Woodman Carbo GT2 34.9 Seatpost
Woodman Carbo GT2 34.9 Carbon Seatpost is taking lightweight seatposts to the next level, the Carbo GT2 series incorporated advanced engineering improvements into classic in-line design for a flawless riding experience. Expert in-house production strikes the perfect balance between lightweight...
WOOdman Carbo GT2 Ti Carbon Seatpost
WOOdman Carbo GT2 Ti carbon seatpost is taking lightweight seatposts to the next level, the Carbo GT2 series incorporated advanced engineering improvements into classic in-line design for a flawless riding experience. Expert in-house production strikes the perfect balance between lightweight...
WOOdman Post GT2 Seatpost
A classic in-line design that incorporates advanced engineering improvements, the Post GT2 seatpost takes the lightweight seatpost to the next level for a flawless riding experience. In-house production strikes a perfect balance between lightweight and durable, made possible by of...